If only you could see what I see. — Jen Heilman

If only you could see what I see.

If only you could see what I see in you...what your kids see, your mom, your dad, your spouse, your clients, your coworkers...
If only you could see what we all see, you would never question your worth or your value again.
Think back to the last week or month or year. Can you recall a time or a moment when someone remarked, “How did you do THAT?!” or “How did you know that?” or “I wish I could do what you do.” or “Thank you, that really helped me.”

As humans, we have a great respect for other people’s gifts, talents and strengths, but rarely do we take notice or receive recognition or value the gifts, talents, and strengths that are alive with in ourselves.
How different would your life be if you just started the practice of appreciating those gifts that live within you...that no one else has...that other people value so greatly?

Take sometime today or this weekend to see yourself through the eyes of others and through the eyes of the divine.

What they see in you, is you…and you are pure magic.

See it in yourself...be the example for your loved ones, your clients, your daughter...so that she can see it in herself too. ✨

Appreciation is a small but extremely necessary and life changing step that you can start to do right this minute.

Give it a try and let me know what you come up with.
